

Privacy Policy

We prioritize the privacy of our users. To ensure this, we have established a policy closely linked to the General Terms and Conditions of the Provider. You acknowledge that the Provider collects and processes your Registration Information and usage data, including personally identifiable information, for the purposes detailed in this Privacy Policy. As a global company, the Provider operates across multiple countries.

The Service is provided "as is" and the Provider accepts no liability or guarantees if personal configurations, information, or messages are not saved, are not saved in time, are deleted, or are delivered incorrectly. To subscribe to the Service, you must have internet access and/or a mobile communications subscription and pay any associated service fees. You are responsible for all expenses incurred to access the Service, including the necessary equipment, such as mobile phones or personal computers, in working order and suitable for use with the Service.

General Rules

By using the Service, you agree to the general rules, rules of play, promotional conditions, and restrictions established by the Provider. The Provider reserves the right to amend these rules at any time and at its discretion, without prior notice. The Provider may annul accounts that remain inactive for considerable periods. You agree that the Provider bears no responsibility or liability if information sent or provided through the Service is not saved or is deleted in error.

General Information

These General Terms and Conditions replace all previous agreements between you and the Provider. If you use any additional services, materials, or software from third parties, additional terms and conditions may apply. European law governs the relationship between you and the Provider, regardless of any international law provisions. Disputes will be submitted to your national competent court. The Provider’s failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these terms does not constitute a waiver of such rights or provisions. If any provision of these terms is deemed unenforceable by a court, the remaining provisions will remain in effect.

Security and Protection

Our infrastructure and programs are designed and protected to reasonably prevent unauthorized access to user information. Please refer to our General Terms and Conditions regarding the Provider’s liability.

Acceptance of This Policy

By using the Provider’s Service, you agree to this Privacy Policy and the General Terms and Conditions. If you disagree, do not use our Service. The Provider may use your information to:

Execute the agreement between you and the Provider. Enhance your experience on the Provider’s website. Inform you about offers, discounts, new developments, and additional services. Process information for establishing or maintaining a direct relationship with you for commercial or charitable purposes. The Provider may anonymize this information and use or offer it to third parties in anonymous form. Your Acceptance

By using the Provider's Service, you agree to this Privacy Policy and the General Terms and Conditions. If you disagree, do not use our Service. We reserve the right to change, modify, extend, or limit this Privacy Policy and the General Terms and Conditions at any time. We advise you to review these pages regularly.